
Welcome to my Quilling Wonderland!


As you can see this is blog about almost everything you can make from 3 mm paper strips ( sometimes it can be 2 mm or 5 mm… ), but it must be a paper strip!!

I started my adventure with quilling about two years ago ( I think…) but who would be remember the exact date 😀

I love this technique because it is unusual and you can make almost everything with this thin paper strips ( even throw them to the trash when you can not decide what exactly  you  want from it 🙂 ).

Oh, by the way my name is Iza and I am lucky to live in a beautiful Ireland ( Ekhm, I am happy when it does not rain!!)

If you want to see more quilling stories you can always find me on my facebook page or twitter.

So see you around!

Welcome to Quilling Wonderland handmade cards and more

Hugs Iza

4 comments found

  1. Hello Iza! I am knowing Quilling now. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on your page. Hugs. Silvana Scalia – Brazil

  2. ¡¡¡¡¡ Hola Iza !!!!!!
    ¡¡¡¡¡ qué gusto poder encontrarte en tu blog !!!!!!
    Te sigo por tu página de face y siempre aplaudo tus hermosas creaciones y te pregunto detalles.
    Ya te registro en mi blog: http://normanellisquilling.blogspot.com.ar/
    y te invito a mi página: Norma Nellis Quilling.
    Gracias por tus enseñanzas y tu creatividad.
    Un abrazo grande, grande desde la otra parte del mundo, sur, sur patagónico.

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