Boxed Handmade Wedding Card
Boxed Handmade Wedding Card
As you can see I made something different. Maybe not completely different, but this is my first 3D card. YES!! It’s not 3D because of the flowers as you can see on the picture. It’s something completely new for me. You know that I don’t feel very well in floral arrangements. YES, that is right! I can make teeny tiny stick people, miniature cats but flowers.. Now I can play with them too 😀
When I made this card I realized that it won’t fit into any envelope… Ooops!! Oh, yes it is much to high. That is why I decided to make a box. It’s easy to make a nice and fancy one, but mine has to survive 2500 km journey. Hope it will be strong enough!! It is made of the same card stock as card. Fingers crossed!
If you wondering why I used this tiny piece of purple ribbon, here you have an explanation. Have you ever tried to remove the card from a box. Mission impossible! Not with this ribbon 🙂
If you like the big tight flowers and you want to try to make them. Here you can find a great tutorial made by one of my favourites quillers. Thank you Kasiu for the inspiration!
Have a creative one!
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